Article of the week
he Cyrus Klepcys Dice Double Independent Chronograph Evolution

Cyrus Genève has created the “Cyrus Klepcys Dice Double Independent Chronograph Evolution,” a watch that stands out for its intricate mechanical ingenuity. The watch we have in our hands today is a marvel of engineering, featuring not just one but two monopusher chronographs. These two chronographs are entirely independent yet seamlessly integrated within the same movement, making it capable of measuring two short intervals of time either independently or simultaneously.
The first instance of a double independent chronograph complication dates back to 1873 when American watchmaker Arnold Frankfeld registered a similar mechanism for a pocket watch at New York’s patent office. However, as far as we know, no one else before Cyrus Genève has successfully met this challenge.

Article of the week

he Cyrus Klepcys Dice Double Independent Chronograph Evolution

Cyrus Genève has created the “Cyrus Klepcys Dice Double Independent Chronograph Evolution,” a watch that stands out for its intricate mechanical ingenuity. The watch we have in our hands today is a marvel of engineering, featuring not just one but two monopusher chronographs. These two chronographs are entirely independent yet seamlessly integrated within the same movement, making it capable of measuring two short intervals of time either independently or simultaneously.
The first instance of a double independent chronograph complication dates back to 1873 when American watchmaker Arnold Frankfeld registered a similar mechanism for a pocket watch at New York’s patent office. However, as far as we know, no one else before Cyrus Genève has successfully met this challenge.